Mountain Modern Design+Build is focused around a sustainable, energy efficiency focused and higher standard of living approach with regards to indoor air quality and building construction. This is what Zero Energy Ready means to us. This approach is going to vary with each project based on what the project is but the general methods and details are much the same on any custom home, addition, renovation or building. We don't just focus on mountain modern design, but we do try to incorporate a mountain modern custom built home feel into all of our build on your land custom home building and remodeling projects whether the home is based craftsman, ranch house, farm house or other style of custom home. We enjoy building homes that say we are Idaho.
A custom shop or RV garage is very likely not going to have the same measured approach to Zero Energy Ready as a custom home for example. But the detail that goes into plans and residential design, ensuring that the custom homes & buildings we build meet our building goals is something we consider and focus on with every project. And at Mountain Modern Design+Build, a detailed plan and design, and utilization of best practice focused energy efficiency building methods, materials and techniques when the project is being constructed are equally important.
At Mountain Modern Design+Build we specialize in utilizing several building methods and types in the construction of Zero Energy Ready custom homes, remodeling, additions. And similar methods in the design and construction of outbuildings, shops and more depending on the use and requirements.
Advanced Framing Systems and Methods
Advanced house framing, sometimes called optimum value engineering (OVE), refers to framing techniques designed to reduce the amount of lumber used and waste generated in the construction of a wood-framed house. These techniques boost energy efficiency by replacing lumber with insulation material while maintaining the structural integrity of the home. Advanced framing improves the whole-wall R-value by reducing thermal bridging (thermal flow that occurs when materials that are poor insulators displace insulation) through the framing and maximizing the insulated wall area. We typically pair this type of framing system with Zip System® Insulated R-Sheathing from Huber Engineered Woods on the exterior of the wall system and high density spray foam insulation systems in the wall cavity spaces as well as around the entire foundation wall sealing a 15 mil vapor barrier to the foundation wall and on the underside of the roof deck between and over the truss or rafter system. This creates a thermal insulation layer as well as an air tightness layer from the base of the footing to the peak of the roof over conditioned floor space areas of the home.
Thermal Stud Systems
As an alternative to traditional studs, Thermal Studs are more energy-efficient, reduce the carbon footprint of your home and business, and impose less strain on your HVAC system and ultimately, your wallet. Thermal Studs are patented thermally-broken wall studs that easily replace traditional lumber, require not additional training to install, can have increased structural strength, lower BTU consumption and can reduce sound transmission.
Insulated Concrete Form Systems
Insulating concrete forms (ICF) is a system of form work for reinforced concrete usually made with a rigid thermal insulation that stays in place as a permanent interior and exterior substrate for walls. These innovative wall forms also regulate interior temperatures of buildings, dramatically impact energy costs, and significantly reduce outdoor sound pollution. Mountain Modern Design+Build has experience working with ICF systems and we fully believe this method of construction is a very viable and sustainable method of construction that can be utilized to meet Zero Energy Ready custom building requirements.
Post Frame Construction
Post frame construction is a unique and very functional building method for both outbuilding systems as well as Zero Energy Ready construction. The post frame buildings we work with have a engineered footing and foundation system which includes a full concrete footing and stem wall foundation as well or the option of a monolithic type slab system for basic barns and shops which are not focusing on more energy efficiency options which a custom home or commercial structure might utilize. And the structure utilizes engineered posts and trusses. All our post frame structures are fully engineered systems from below ground up.
Whether it be a custom home building project, shop or garage project, a deck new construction or remodeling project or even a select commercial or tenant improvement project, our initial process is focused in much the same way. At Mountain Modern Design+Build, as a RESNET Energy Smart Builder, Zero Energy Homes Partner and a builder of Energy Star build on your land custom homes we strive to meet zero energy ready standards in our residential design and construction of custom homes & buildings. We love including We believe in a collaborative design process that involves our clients every step of the way. From the initial concept plan where we work with your goals, ideas and plans... to final close out of the construction process, we work closely with our clients to ensure their needs are met. The relationships we build with our clients are highly valued by Mountain Modern Design+Build and we strive to honor that commitment on every project we work on.
We primarily utilize a Cost Plus approach to building our projects as we feel this allows us to provide the best service we can provide to our clients and allows for the most communication and transparency in the building process as opposed to a fixed price system. What is a cost plus approach one might ask -
The cost plus approach is often referred to as the Cost Plus Fixed or Flat Fee approach or the cost reimbursable approach. A cost plus contract is legal construction agreement whereby the project owner commits to reimbursing the actual costs associated with the project plus a predetermined fee or profit, which typically addressed in the form of a predetermined and agreed upon percentage of the cost to build the project.
Such contracts often apply to projects whose final cost is based on a target budget range or is difficult to determine at the onset of the project. We address this aspect with an estimated cost to build and a target budget range when submitting our project cost proposal as often the final costs on a project may be based on client selection of various finishes, equipment and aspects of the project.
Our Process Step by Step -
• The initial consultation - This step is often conducted over the phone after we have received the basic information for your project thru one of several methods of reaching out to us. This initial stage is typically where we can both determine if the building relationship is a good fit for both of us. We will discuss the basics of the potential project and determine if on onsite meeting and consultation is a good direction for both parties involved.
• Onsite meeting and consultation - This stage is where we gather additional information regarding your project. Typically this is conducted onsite at the location of the project and depending on the scope of the project may also involve taking measurements, notes and a basic sketch of the proposed plan. If, for example, this project is something more involved such as a full custom home project or addition or outbuilding, this meeting will typically be utilized to gather information so that we can provide you with a cost to produce design and drafting of plans, anticipated pre-construction costs and requirements and to gather information to be able to provide to you, if we can with an estimated cost to build target budget range.
• The Project Proposal
The project proposal involves review of the costs to build the project, making selections and decisions, proposed scheduling and reviewing the construction agreement terms and conditions to ensure we have addressed any concerns or specific requirements before executing the agreement. And the final step is executing the construction agreement to finalize the building schedule and proposed start date.
• Planning, Estimating and Pre-Construction - This stage is focused around building the plans and designs, refining plans and designs and creating a target budget range with an estimated cost to build as well as pre-construction tasks like permitting requirements, scheduling and construction management tasks required to prepare and start the project itself.
• Start Construction - This stage can often being one of the most exciting times of the construction process and also the most chaotic depending on the project itself. A home remodel could involve some major changes for the clients depending on the overall scope of work being conducted. Rest assured Mountain Modern Design+Build will be watching out for you.
• Construction is Underway - This is the work phase of the construction process where things are changing often rapidly with the final goal of completing the project in the allotted time and within the cost budget for the project. Depending on the project various decisions are being made and communications regarding inspections, monthly costs, changes and variations to the project may be happening.
• Final Inspections and Closeout - This stage typically includes final inspections and certificates of occupancy (C of O) being issued, final walk-thru inspections with the client and final cleanup of the project. This stage might also include commissioning services of ventilation equipment and other items as required prior to turn over to the client as this applies to the project itself.
Key components that could be part of our homes, additions and buildings are listed below but are not necessarily all inclusive.
• Designs and site layout of the home or building to maximize Zero Energy Ready methods. This includes shading and and sun orientation based porches, patios, shading systems and solar reduction methods such as solar screens and similar items as necessary based on client needs.
• Designs and plans based on the methods and concepts of "Universal Design" or "Aging in Place" best practices. This is often dictated specifically based on client needs and requirements. If there are future requirements we strive to include the ability to make modifications as needed in the most efficient and cost effective manner possible.
• Modern and functional kitchen and dining spaces based on specific client needs, but also as part of our standard design and planning processes.
• Outdoor living spaces.
• Conditioned and insulated crawl space systems or insulated slab-on-grade concrete systems.
• Advanced framed and super-insulated or other similar exterior wall systems to include insulated concrete form systems and post frame building systems. Our insulated advanced framed wall systems will typically include Zip System or similar insulated wall sheathing with a minimum of and R3 value. This is also typically the case on all post frame structures and building systems.
• Conditioned attics and attic spaces.
• High density closed cell spray foam insulation from the base of the footing to the peak of the roof. This is done to create a continuous air tight and thermal insulation layer with minimal areas of thermal bridging (the goal is to maintain a continuous and even insulation layer).
• Air sealed walls and ceiling lines using Zip System sheathing, tape and liquid flashing systems or similar or insulation board systems taped and sealed.
• Location based high efficiency focused window and door systems based on home orientation, layout and needs of the structure.
• Advanced HVAC systems including radiant floor systems from Warmboard® with a focus on energy recovery and indoor air quality. We are an Department of Energy Indoor AirPlus partner and strive to meet those requirements for our clients health, well being and living quality.
• Locally sourced custom cabinet systems and countertop systems specific to our clients requirements and needs.
• Energy Star® rated and certified appliances and equipment.
• Hard flooring systems that meet the needs of the client and are focused around specific needs of our clients for which the project is being built. We simply are not fans of carpeting systems everywhere.
• GAF solar shingle systems and domestic solar hot water systems.
• Utilization of exposed and finished timbers, rustic woods and other rustic wood systems combined with modern amenities and systems.
• Wet bath designed master bathrooms were functional or required. A wet bath typically means the shower and bath areas are larger and all inclusive while being open but separated from the other areas of the master bathroom. Wet bathrooms can be based on clients needs and desires or not included at all.
• High efficiency and re-circulation focused water heating systems.
• Energy Star® rated and Department of Energy WaterSense rated fixtures and systems.
• Electrical power receptacles for vehicle recharging or other electric focused transportation systems based on clients needs. Our electrical plans may include connection to propane or natural gas fueled generator backup systems as request by our clients.
• Custom designed data, cable, networking, wireless and security systems to include SMART home systems and integration with standard smart home systems as desired and based on client needs.
• Custom designed garage storage systems and electrical system layouts focused on food storage, water storage and sustainability requirements or however our clients would like to utilize this space. We try to focus the design of garage areas to be utilized for vehicle parking that is not cramped and areas for storage as well.
• Air-tight, high efficiency focused pellet stove heating systems certified by the EPA and Department of Energy as request by the client and based on locations heating needs.
* We are always striving to stay abreast of the current building trends, techniques and methods that will enhance our ability to provide the best home, addition or building to our clients and encourage client interaction based on there requirements and needs.